“I don’t need no standing ovation!”
Several months ago, I watched a speaker at a conference deliver a riveting talk on marketing, branding and social media. He was polished, interesting, and the slides and videos that he used [...]
Why ‘Very Good’ Isn’t Good Enough When it Comes to Public Speaking (Guest Post)
This is a guest post by Samuel Eddy, the man behind Open Change Workplace Wellness. Through his company he combines his counselling background and corporate experience to deliver keynote speeches [...]
6 Meaningful, Moving and Memorable Graduation Speeches
With graduation season underway, commencement speakers are giving students one last lesson before entering the work force. The most effective speakers share their own life experiences and offer [...]
Do’s and Don’ts of Presentations (Infographic)
So you’re feeling tense about the presentation you are going to give tomorrow. The ideas you had in the morning vanish and instead a blank screen is pounding your eyes. Take a deep breath, take a [...]
3 questions that prove you care about your audience [VIDEO]
Here’s the problem with presentations. You’ve got a lot to say, and time restrictions on long you have to say it. So what’s the solution? Easy! CRAM as much information into the presentation as [...]
Video highlights of my most recent keynote is in!
I’m super excited to have received the highlights video of one of my more recent keynotes. It’s been added to the list of other videos on my Speaking page, but I wanted to share it [...]
How to Speak in Front of a Room Full of Strangers (My interview with Elle Canada!)
I was SUPER excited to be interviewed by Elle Canada magazine as part of their Fearless Factor segment, in an article entitled “How to Speak in Front of a Room Full of Strangers.” Get [...]
“It’s Good To Be King/Queen!” and other reasons why that speaking tactic won’t work for your presentations
The “IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU” Speaker Imagine this: You’ve just left a presentation that inspired and motivated you. The speaker made you laugh one minute, and then see [...]
Oscars 2017: The Good, the Bad, the Political…and the Mothers!
It’s Oscars time! And with that, the review of the stand-out speeches, the flops, the themes of the night (politics, love, and….MOTHERS!), and whatever shenanigans happened over the [...]