3 Simple Communication Steps to Win Over Any Audience

What happens when you have a brilliant idea, and you’re SURE that you’re explaining it well, but your intended recipient or audience just doesn’t “get it?”

So frustrating.

Is the problem that they just don’t understand the idea?

Or is the problem that you’re not communicating it clearly enough?

After hearing this complaint a little too often from incredibly brilliant people, I created this 90-second video to share 3 ideas on how to articulate your thoughts effectively and ensure your message lands with impact, clarity and confidence (with transcript below).

Bottom line is…. it’s not just about speaking; it’s about connecting.

What’s one communication challenge you’ve encountered in your career, and what did you do for your audience to “get it?” Please share your thoughts in the comments!



Whether you’re preparing to give a presentation, lead a meeting, or have a very important conversation with a very important person in front of you, there are three critical elements to any communication that, when followed, maximizes your chance of communication, success, and getting the results that you want.

The first one is clarity in your message. How clear is it? How focused is it? Is there too much information that could disconnect or confuse your audience? The clearer you can make it, the better off you are and the better off you are in bringing your audience with you and following you throughout.

The second one is confidence — but not confidence in how you feel, but confidence in your content. How confident are you that the content that you have created is made for this audience and is totally relevant for them?

And finally, connection. Connection with your audience. Are you speaking in a way that is meaningful to them, that is relevant and that creates value? Because if you don’t have that connection, and you can’t build that connection, then all the clarity and all the confidence won’t even help you.

These are the three critical elements of any communications that you have. So whether you are leading a meeting, giving a presentation, or simply trying to connect with the person in front of you, integrate these three critical elements and you are much more likely to get much higher levels of communication success.

