[VIDEO] You’re a “good enough” speaker….but that may not be good enough anymore. Here’s how to take it up a notch.

You’ve got experience as a speaker….you can hold your own when speaking in front of a group…but then you get this little twitch, this little inkling that says: “You know that you can be better.”

Suddenly, good enough just isn’t good enough anymore.

Here’s how to take your presentation skills up a notch, create more impact in what you say, and get stronger levels of engagement and connection with your audience so that they WANT to listen to you speak.

(Transcript below)


My clients often say, “Suzannah, I give a lot of presentations, I’m comfortable with them and they’re good, but I want to take it up a notch and be better. At the same time, it often feels like I’m missing the mark in terms of connecting with my audience. They’re not as engagd as I’d like them to be, and it seems like there’s no lasting impact.”

“So is there anything I can do to more fully engage my audience in my presentation, and JUST BE BETTER?”

Absolutely! Here are 3 tools that you can use to create much stronger levels of engagement and connection with your audience, so that your audience WANTS to listen to your presentation, they get value from them, and you can have a much greater impact.

  1. First, create a strong structure. There are so many elements of a strong structure, which are broken down in my Create A Signature Speech That Sells program, but start with this:
    • A strong introduction that indicates that you understand your audience’s challenges
    • A statement that shares WHY this content is important to them and why it should matter to them
    • 3-4 key focus points which is the MAIN piece of your content
    • A concise recap
    • A call-to-action
    • A strong conclusion
  2. Second, add stories or examples. A presentation based solely on factual or theoretical information can be boring. So share RELEVANT examples, analogies and stories that can bring the information to life, and allow the audience to take in your message in different ways.
  3. Third, get into the mind of your audience. Really tap into what their challenges are, and what they might be thinking about your topic as you step in front of the room to talk about it. Or, put another way, if YOU were in your audience, what would be going through YOUR head as you listen to the speaker? Get clear on that, and speak to it, right at the beginning. Whether they’re thinking something positive or negative, address it. They, in turn, will appreciate that you understand where they’re coming from, and will be more likely to trust, engage and connect with you.

I’m Suzannah Baum. If this is something that resonates with you, and you would like to bring much higher levels of audience engagement to ALL of your presentations, so that you get the results you want, and you can really be seen as the leader that you are, then let’s get in touch. Some of my best client relationships started out with conversations just like this one.