Flight Delays, Heavy Luggage, & Lessons in Kindness: Why Being Nice Can Get You More Than You Expect

  “People don’t usually talk to us the way you just did.”   Back in February, I got into a bit of a hairy travel situation while attempting to travel home from Calgary, with a serious dumping of snow over multiple days in Eastern Canada that wreaked havoc on any and all flights going in my […]

3 Simple Steps to Manage Your Public Speaking Nerves

Who hasn’t felt a little (or a lot) nervous before public speaking, with the thought of “what if I mess up?” loop playing in your head? But here’s the thing: those nerves don’t have to take over. With 3 steps, you can turn those nerves into confidence and deliver a presentation that leaves your audience saying, “Wow, they nailed it!” Check out this 1.5 minute video to learn how!

Table for One: Navigating the ‘Dilemma’ of Solo Dining When Travelling

At around dinnertime on a recent work trip in Columbus Ohio to deliver a presentation and communication training program, I faced the “Big Dilemma” of traveling alone: Should I eat alone at a restaurant, or get room service takeout to bring up to my hotel room? It seemed like such a straightforward question. But it […]

What Quality Makes a Great Speaker? (the answer may surprise you!)

  “What quality makes a GREAT speaker?” I ask this question in many of my corporate training programs, and my audience usually provides a variety of interesting responses — including ONE particular quality that is brought up each and every time. They’re not wrong. But they’re not 100% right either. There’s one very necessary question […]

Small changes, BIG results: How you (and even your garden) can THRIVE!

I get that this blog generally isn’t the place to share gardening photos. But hear me out… In past years, I would always plant a small garden in my backyard. I would plant “a bunch of stuff” (that’s my technical gardening term for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and whatever else I was ready to experiment […]

Grammarly and Harris Poll Research Estimates U.S. Businesses Lose $1.2 Trillion Annually to Poor Communication

  According to a report by The Harris Poll and Grammarly, 75% of business leaders say they spend too much time and energy resolving miscommunications in the workplace. But here’s what really caught my attention: The article states that U.S. businesses lose a staggering $1.2 trillion annually due to poor communication! So let’s consider this: […]

Communicate with Influence & Impact: My chat with Jen DeTracey!

It was a pleasure to have a conversation with Jen DeTracey, Elevate Results Coach and Strategist. In this short but valuable discussion, we talked about elevating your influence and impact. On my end, I focused on how to gain more clarity, confidence and connection with your audience, to help elevate our communications and gain more […]

The best books for nice people to be more persuasive (from Shepherd.com)

  I was so excited to see that my book, From Nervous to Nailed It, has been featured on Shepherd.com‘s top list of “Best Books for Nice People to Be More Persuasive.” This article is insightfully written by Shelle Rose Charvet, CSP, HoF, GSF,  influence and persuasion expert, accomplished (and hilarious) speaker, all-around nice person, and best-selling author of Words […]

Want to get crystal clear on your presentation message? Step away from your slides and start with this instead!

You’ve got a presentation coming up, and you’re excited, you’re nervous, you’re ready to share your message and uplevel your visibility. So what’s your first step? Get your slides together, of course! But….wait! Can I convince you of trying a different, not-necessarily-intuitive-but-far-more-effective-way? Put your slides to the side — and start this way instead The […]

Impact & Influence in Life, Work and Public Speaking – How do you know when you have it? (hint: you probably have it)

Have you ever met a complete stranger who recognizes and knows you because they were once impacted by something that you said, and they never forgot it? Have YOU ever had a chance to meet someone who had an impact on your life – a speaker, author, mentor, teacher– and you never forgot it? We […]