Grammarly and Harris Poll Research Estimates U.S. Businesses Lose $1.2 Trillion Annually to Poor Communication



According to a report by The Harris Poll and Grammarly, 75% of business leaders say they spend too much time and energy resolving miscommunications in the workplace.

But here’s what really caught my attention: The article states that U.S. businesses lose a staggering $1.2 trillion annually due to poor communication!

So let’s consider this:

📉 When communication falters, productivity takes a nosedive, morale gets squashed, and growth stumbles.

😱 Confusion, error or frustration as a result of miscommunications result in missed opportunities, failed connections, costs going up, deadlines getting missed (or stretched to infinity), and reputations getting bruised.

🚫 Time is being spent (wasted?) deciphering cryptic emails, trying to make sense of complex memos filled with jargon, and playing “telephone” with their team where the messages often get distorted along the way.


With stats like these, can we agree that this is a problem that needs to be solved, like….now?

Not only is effective communication the backbone of business, but it can help get teams get on the same page, enhance productivity, keep people away from time-wasting meetings, build morale, and manage relationships.

And yet, poor communication continues to wreak havoc through boardrooms, virtual meetings, sales pitches, conversations, and more.

Let’s not be a part of this unfortunate bottleneck. 🚫

Click here to check out the full (and fascinating) article and infographic here.

For all your meetings, presentations, conversations, sales pitches, virtual sessions — can I support you in enhancing your communication needs, and making sure that you (and your team) get your point across quickly and easily?

Whether you’re looking to support your group through corporate group programs or executive communication coaching, let’s connect, pinpoint your needs, and discuss the options to ensure that all their (and your) future communications are clear, focused, empathetic, and always professional.

Happy to be in touch with you! Email me over at suzannah (at)

Read the article here:

Suzannah Baum, Presentations and public speaking skills trainer, executive speech coach.

Small changes, BIG results: How you (and even your garden) can THRIVE!